Our Friends in the North
How can we support each other in these challenging times for the Welsh construction industry? Join CEWales. That’s why we are re-booting the CEWales North Wales Best Practice Club.
One of the strengths of the Constructing Excellence movement is its regional and local depth. That’s especially true in Wales – but our unique geography and culture can occasionally create a natural barrier to collaboration.
That’s why we are re-booting the CEWales North Wales Best Practice Club. Following a successful online meeting in September the club will be meeting on 12th January in Wrexham. What we all need to do is support the North Wales membership and spread the word about the benefits of sharing best practice and working as an integrated team.
There's huge desire amongst the group to reinvigorate construction in north Wales and champion the values of collaboration, best practice and share ideas around sustainability and building for future generations. But to achieve their aims they need a strong base of support from right across the sector – up and down the supply chain of North Wales.
We really want to ensure a strong representation from North Wales and, if you’re based in these areas, we urge you and your company to become involved. As well as seeking improvements in the business of construction we want to showcase best practice – which means an opportunity for all members to highlight their work and processes. That's why we are asking you to join the CEWales movement and become involved.
We want to ensure that the sectoral issues we call to the attention of Welsh Government are those that you have identified and support. We want to run joint events with other groups such as ICE Cymru, FMB, NFB, CECA Wales and CIOB. We want to cover wider angled topics such as procurement, Welsh Government policies and frameworks. We want to share your best practice. In short we need wider industry participation across North Wales.
Of course this call to action also works right across Wales. Please support each other but do so my supporting CE Wales and becoming a member or email info@cewales.org.uk