South East Wales Best Practice Club – Funding of Infrastructure in Wales
Download: Agenda
Download: Presentations
As promised, the South East Wales Best Practice Club are following up on the excellent session that it ran at the end of last year in relation to the potential options for the future funding of Welsh Infrastructure. You may recall that we heard from Scottish Futures on their NPD model; BAM in relation to a road project in Holland and the involvement of the pension fund;, as well as the work on the funding model at Ely Bridge in Cardiff within the housing sector.
On 24th September 2013 we will be holding a workshop for key individuals and organisations from across the welsh construction and engineering industry to engage with the Finance Minister’s team to explore financial initiatives to develop our nation’s infrastructure.
The workshop will be opened by Tony Norris, Chair of the SE Wales Best Practice Club. Matthew Pizzi and Steve Davies from the Welsh Government will provide an update on the Wales Infrastructure Improvenment Plan (WIIP) and the funding models currently being investigated to support the delivery of the WIIP. Three short presentations will be made by experts in the field of infrastructure funding models and these experts will then join one of three workshop groups to discuss and debate the relative merits of these funding models, their relevance within Wales, the potential challenges and opportunities that they present and the potential impacts, both positive and negative, on the construction industry in Wales, There will also be an opportunity to propose other models.
The objective of the workshop is to offer the industry’s views to the Welsh Government as to how they can introduce private sector funding to support their infrastructure programme. This is a great opportunity for influential individuals and organisations with the welsh construction industry to work with the government to help to shape future infrastructure programmes through a succesfull “Made in Wales solution”.
How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.
Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full if you are not a member or £20 if you are a member unless you have informed us by Friday 20th September 2013.
To become a Best Practice Club member visit our club page for details.
Payments can now be made by credit/debit card.
We confirm numbers to the venue the day before the event and as numbers cannot be amended after that date we are charged in full for that amount. In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don’t over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.