Birmingham's Route to Zero
Join us for an update on the work that Birmingham City Council are doing to reduce carbon emissions.You will get an overview of the Route to Zero Action Planning work and learn about Birmingham’s Route to Zero journey, the work undertaken to date and the immediate priority actions.

Maria is a Chartered Town Planner with over 14 years experience in the public sector. Having previously held policy roles at Wyre Forest District Council and Worcester City Council Maria joined Birmingham City Council in January 2020 as Head of Development Policy.
Maria’s current role includes leading planning policy, economic policy, sustainability policy and transport policy for Birmingham. Maria chaired RTPI West Midlands in 2018 and is a member of the RTPI West Midlands Regional Management Board. Maria was named the West Midlands Young Planner of the Year in 2013, was shortlisted for the national Young Planner of the Year in 2014 and was featured in The Planner’s Women of Influence in 2019.