South West Wales Best Practice Club: Work Smarter & Live Better – Investors in People
Download: Presentation
The South West Wales Best Practice Club are pleased to present their next breakfast event with Denise Blackshaw who is an Investors in People Practitioner. Denise will update you on the changes that have taken place within IiP Wales over the last year, including funding from Welsh Government and introduce you to the new Sixth Generation Standard, Denise will also focus on work-life balance which isn’t always something we should work to achieve alone.
With the support of an employer, people are likely to manage things (personal and business related) more effectively. Knowing their role, the expectations upon them and the flexibility to cater for working preferences goes a long way.
Investors in People helps you make the most of your people by giving you the means to develop a positive culture and getting employees fully engaged with the aims of your business.
Achieving the award sends a powerful message about how much you value your people and the part they play in your shared success.
How to Book: To reserve your place please email CEWales Events stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend.
To become a club member please visit our club page.
Non-attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us prior to the event.
In order to reduce wastage at our events CEW operates a policy of only notifying venue details when issuing registration confirmation. This ensures we only cater for delegates who have registered and don't over order for individuals who may or may not turn up on the day.