Right Waste, Right Place: Duty of Care in the construction sector

09 May
Tuesday 9th May 2017
9.30am - 2.00pm
Room S0.29, South Building, Queen’s Buildings, The Parade, Cardiff University CF24 3AA

Anyone who produces, treats, disposes, moves or arranges the movement of waste has a legal Duty of Care to ensure that waste is managed properly.

Following Duty of Care is vital both to ensure your own company's compliance with the law, but also to ensure that your waste is passed on to someone who will also manage and handle it correctly.

This free seminar will focus on the specific requirements of Duty of Care for the construction sector and will provide the views of the regulator, the waste producer and the waste management sector.

If you work in or are involved with the construction sector, this seminar will help you understand your responsibilities and identify how you can comply with the requirements. A question and answer session will give you the opportunity to pose your questions to the experts.

The programme for the day is shown below.

There will also be an opportunity to meet other businesses involved in the Construction supply chain, local councils and training providers.

Please e-mail info@rightwasterightplace.com or call 0808 123 0014 to register for this event.

Download: Flyer/Agenda