Design Circle/RSAW TOP 5: Connections

25 Aug
Thursday 25th August 2016
6.30pm - 8.30pm
The Hayes, Cardiff

Design Circle's "Top5" events have 5 speakers with 5 minutes and only 5 slides. This Top5 is on the theme of "Connections" as part of the build up to our "MUD" event in September, and should provoke thoughts and ideas about what connections could mean. Our speakers are Victoria Rogers of Cardiff Story Museum, Mike Biddulph an Urban Designer at Cardiff Council, Philippa Lawrence a Landscape Artist & Designer, Lindsey Brown of Sustrans and Louise Hobson, Art Curator Cardiff Contemporary.

Drinks and nibbles will be provided care of our event sponsors, ROCKPANEL, RSAW and RIBA.

There's no registration required, but it's helpful if you can confirm your attendance to

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