Managing Risk: The Views of the Built Environment Professional in Wales

26 Oct
Friday 26th October 2012
1pm to 6pm
The School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, Main Building, Cardiff University CF10 3AT

Organised by Geological Society Southern Wales Regional Group, supported by ICE Wales Cymru, Constructing Excellence in Wales, Cardiff University and the Geological Society Engineering Group.

This is an opportunity to listen to experts from the built environment professional community on their views of risk. This has been stimulated by the emerging issues of the low carbon economy, investment in infrastructure, building information modelling, reduction in construction costs, energy investment and whole life value.

The construction industry has been engaged in a dialogue with government over the last few years that has resulted in construction being identified as a driver for economic growth. However, this can only be achieved if everyone engaged in the process understands the issues that their fellow professionals recognise and the importance those issues have in making decisions. Therefore the aim of this meeting is to start a process of developing a broader view of construction risk through an inclusive engagement of built environment professionals so that risks can be placed in context and effectively mitigated to reduce the overall economic, environmental and social cost of construction.

This seminar compliments a similar event held in London in February 2012 the results of which will be fed into the discussion session.

This is a free event, but for catering purposes it would be helpful if you would register your intention to attend.  Constructing Excellence in Wales will be providing Conference Office services:

To book a place please send your name, job title, company name and e-mail address to 

Further information on registration will be issued in August.

Please book before week commencing 10th September.

Non attendance by any registered delegate will be charged £35 unless you have informed us by 19th October. 

Sponsorship opportunity.  Sponsorship in kind has been gratefully received from Cardiff University (free facilities) and CEW (free conference office services).  However, refreshments, wine and cheese require funding support from industry and sponsorship offers up to a maximum of £200 per company are invited.

If interested please send an email and company logo by 31 August 2012 to Paul Maliphant at maliphantpc@halcrow.comwho will confirm payment options.