Making the Most of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) – Cardiff

05 May
Thursday 5th May 2011
9am to 12 noon
Future Inn Hotel, Cardiff Bay, CF10 4JY

The Renewable Heat Incentive is the world’s first financial support mechanism designed to revolutionise the way heat is generated and used; increasing the proportion of heat utilised from renewable sources and supporting emerging renewable industries. This half day event from BRE Wales and the law firm Hugh James will help those interested in becoming renewable heat generators to benefit from secure and guaranteed long-term income streams.

Delivered by independent experts with first-hand, up-to- date knowledge of RHI, this event will equip you with a clear understanding of the benefits of the scheme and address the options that should be considered before participating.  

Information will also be provided on the Feed-in-tariff (FIT) with updated information on tariff levels and project delivery requirements.

The following areas will be covered:

  • A clear and concise understanding of the RHI
  • Worked examples of the technologies
  • Issues relating to technical and financial due diligence
  • Making a business case and financing options
  • Mechanisms for building owners and occupants to share financial benefits
  • Supplier offers – what is best value
  • Interaction of the FITs, the RHI, and other Low Carbon approaches
  • Practical design considerations
  • Planning issues

In addition a legal perspective on the RHI will also be delivered by the law firm Hugh James who have been supporting a number of organisations in delivering FIT and RHI projects.

Who should attend?

  • Property Owners,
  • Developers,
  • Investors,
  • Estates Managers,
  • Facilities Managers,
  • Energy Managers,
  • Sustainable Development staff,
  • Financial Directors

How to book:  To reserve your place please reply to stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.