SMEs – Bid Coaching and How to Improve your chances of Winning Work during the Recession

11 Feb
Thursday 11th February 2010
6pm for 6.30pm
St Helen’s Rugby Ground, Swansea

Download:  Presentation

South West Wales Best Practice Club

Times are tough for everyone, with SMEs within construction bearing the brunt of the economic pinch. Lowest price is no longer the way to win work.

This event is primarily targeted at SMEs who wish to find out more about collaborative working and how to prepare themselves for bidding for work on issues other than price alone. The event will be an informal workshop providing advice from a range of major local contractors, clients and advisors.  The event will include:

  • A client view of collaborative working
  • Major local contractors advice on key quality aspects of bid submissions including Health & Safety
  • Value Wales, which is responsible for achieving better value for money in public services, will provide an update
  • Representatives from the Swansea Business Centre will be on hand

Those available to assist you will include City and County of Swansea, Morrison Construction, Interserve, Black & Veatch, Carillion, Value Wales, Morgan Cole and Hugh James solicitors.

How to Book: There is a charge of £10 to attend the event, which will include a buffet, but you must register with us in advance.

To reserve your place please reply to the email below stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend. Delegates may cancel their registration and will receive a credit for the fees paid less 50% as long as we are informed two weeks before the event.  Cancellations after this will be charged in full. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.

To reserve your place email us at stating your full contact details and the name of any delegate wishing to attend. Once registered and your place is confirmed we will send you the necessary details for the event.