International Canoe Slalom, Cardiff Bay – Final Peer Review

15 Jun
Tuesday 15th June 2010
International Canoe Slalom, Cardiff Bay

South East Wales Constructing Excellence Club in association with CEW presents:

Final Peer Review for the CEW Demonstration ProgrammeCome along and hear from the project team about the construction of the Canoe slalom at the Cardiff International Sports Village.

Cardiff Council in partnership with the National Assembly has constructed an Olympic-standard canoe slalom and white water rafting centre. The Centre, which was constructed by Dean & Dyball and completed in March 2010, has a 250m long facility constructed from concrete with plastic barriers that can be moved around to create a variety of courses suiting a range of standards and competencies.

This unusual project is participating in the Demonstration Programme for Wales, designed to promote Best Practice and innovation in construction through a wide ranging programme of projects and initiatives throughout Wales.

As part of the presentation you will have opportunities to participate in the discussion and provide your own ‘review’ or assessment of the project via a simple scoring mechanism.  This provides a valuable stage in the process of a project becoming a ‘demonstration’.

The event will commence at 8am and conclude at approx 10am

There is no charge for the event but you must register with us in advance. To reserve your place email us stating your full contact details and the name of any delegate wishing to attend. Once registered and your place is confirmed we will send you the necessary details for the event.

Non attendance by any registered delegate will be charged at £40 (plus Vat) unless you have informed us by Monday the 14th June.