Procuring the Worlds Goods and Services BRIC by BRIC: Crossing Continents – Bangor

20 Mar
Wednesday 20th March 2013

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Outline: This event aims to explore cross-border procurement by examining trade relations between the UK, EU, Brazil, Russia, India, China, Russia and South Africa.

Audience: SISs, SMEs, Regulators, Public Procurers, Academics and Students.

Learning Outcome: SISs will gain an advanced understanding of global economics, world procurement and trade relations. Following the event INTERREG based organisations will be in a better position to compete for contracts outside the Ireland/ Wales region (a major economic driver).

To register visit the Bangor University Shop.


Morning Session

Sarah Dickins International Business Presenter, BBC Wales Morning Chair

Gary Clifford Director, ICPS, Bangor University Cross Border Public Procurement

Prof. John Linarelli Head of Law School, Swansea University, Wales UK

Alexandre Motta Managing Director of the School of Finance Adminsitration at Ministry of Finance, Brazil

Andrei V. Yunak Deputy Head of Department, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation

Prof. Steven Schooner George Washington University, USA


Afternoon Session

Prof. Edwin T. Hood University of Missouri Afternoon Chair

Anders C. Jessen Head of Unit Public Procurement & Intellectual Property DG TRADE, European Commission

Abhijit Das Head, Centre for World Trade Organisation Studies Indian Institute for Foreign Trade, New Delhi

Dr R B Watermeyer Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Africa

Ping Wang Lectuter, Deputy Director Public Procurement Group, University of Nottingham

Prof. Christopher Bovis University of Hull, Chair in Law and Professor of European Business Law