Regeneration Skills Collective Wales Annual ‘Delivering Regeneration Conference – Cardiff

03 Nov
Thursday 3rd November 2011
8.30am – 4pm
County Hall, Cardiff
Delegate £85.00 + VAT, Student delegate £42.50 + VAT, Exhibitor £200.00 + VAT

Download: Programme

The programme is extremely comprehensive, with a session covering the regeneration and sustainability agenda in Wales; Session 2, chaired by Keith Edwards, CIH Cymru, features presentations by Richard Mann (United Welsh H.A.), Dan McCallum (Awel Aman Tawe) and Peter Head (Arup and Chair of the Institute of Sustainability).

The broader issues relating to regeneration policy in Wales will be covered in Session 1 (including presentations by the Minister for Regeneration, Housing & Heritage, Huw Lewis A.M.; and the Chief Executive for the W.L.G.A., Steve Thomas); and presentations covering best practice regeneration projects in North Wales, Mid Wales and South East Wales in Session 3. Examples in relation to the latter include the Talgarth Project, which recently received prominent coverage as part of a BBC TV national series; and the Porth Teigr scheme in Cardiff Bay, which has been implemented during the most severe global economic recession experienced in the last 80 years.

Whether or not you are able to attend, I would be most grateful if you could inform your colleagues of the event. RSCW receives no funding from Welsh Government or any other public sector sources, so we are dependent on practitioner’s continued support and participation.

Please contact Felicity White, at ICE ( or telephone (029) 2063 0561)