Site Visit - EEOC Building, Wrexham University

16 Oct
Wednesday 16th October 2024
2pm to 3.30pm
Wrexham University




To book your place please email 

 Timings - 2pm to 3.30pm

Join Wynne Construction, Wrexham University and Ambition North Wales on Wednesday 16th October as they host a site walkaround and tour of the new EEOC building at Wrexham University giving an update on the journey and vision with the building along with how it has been designed. 

The institution’s £8m enterprise, engineering, and optics centre (EEOC) is part of the North Wales Growth Deal investment into the region, led by Ambition North Wales, and is supported by £240m funding from Welsh and UK Governments.

The building will become a hub for the design and construction of products involving composites and optics. Designated as one of two high value manufacturing projects under the North Wales Growth Deal, the centre aims to bring additional investment and innovation to the region as part of a transition to a low carbon economy.
The c2,187 m2 space will facilitate the university to work with business partners and undertake cutting-edge research into advanced solutions supporting the implementation of lightweight composite materials alongside the adoption of hydrogen fuel. Work commenced in February 2024 and is set to be completed by Spring/Summer 2025.

Numbers are limited to 20, PPE will be required. The site walkabout will finish around 3.30pm with refreshments and networking.