Zero/Low Carbon Hub Wales

29 Apr
Wednesday 29th April 2009
  • 21st April – Newport
  • 24th April – Ewloe
  • 28th April – Penllergaer
  • 30th April – Caernarfon

8am ‘til 10am

Zero/Low Carbon Hub Wales has been created to take forward the work of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from the built environment. This partnership is chaired by Chris Jofeh of Arup and Jeff Perren of WAG as Director. The Hub will be the focal point of the ‘coalition of the willing’ and will provide a route forward drawing in partners and sharing information from 6 work streams.

We are hosting four breakfast seminars to outline the hub and web portal which will be the first point of contact for those involved in construction and development activities – Clients, Designers, Contractors, Suppliers and Manufacturers. The hub will share best practice along with information on pilot projects, training, research, development and documentation. The first part of the portal will be operational from late April 2009 and this will be extended and updated over the next 9 months.

The event will include an update from Constructing Excellence in Wales on current industry activities. There will also be an introduction to the Construct Wales project

The cost of the event is £30 plus VAT, to reserve your place please specify which breakfast you would like to attend and reply to this email stating your full contact details and the names of all delegates wishing to attend.  Once registered we will send you full details of the events.

Non- attendance by any registered delegate will be charged in full unless you have informed us a week before the event. Substitution of delegates can be made at any time.